Sign in with an exchange account to
1. Go to and click on "Sign In" on the top right corner.
2. To continue, specify the user and the corresponding password of which account you want to add.
3. You will be required to stablish a new password. Write the old password
on the top box and the new password on the 2 remaining boxes.
4. You will be required to set up a phone or authentication email when login in. Choose what option suit your better.
5. For whatever option you choose, you will need to test it. Outlook will send a code to the email address or phone number established for you to write it.
6. Finally, you will be required to establish your language and time-zone. You will now have your exchange account configured to use on any browser.
7. To add you account to the Outlook App, open the app and go to "File >> Add account".
8. Finally, specify the user and the corresponding password of which account you want to add. Click on "done" to end the process.
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